So I took the car into the shop today - there's been many things needing repair for a while, but they weren't bad enough to fix over the summer. Now that winter's coming, things like a leaking exhaust, squeeling brakes, seized calipers, and a minor A/C leak might be worth looking at.
Looking forward to a friendly call from the mechanic giving me a much higher estimate than I'm expecting. He's a decent guy though so maybe it won't be all that bad.
A local Toyota dealer did fix a seized caliper just over a year ago, so I'm hoping it's that same one that I can take back to them and say "WTF". Otherwise, it'll be a few more leaves off my money tree.
If I give him a whole branch, maybe he could bump the horsepower up a hundred or so. Or at least put a Type-R sticker on the back.
No, that wouldn't be cool.
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