When UGGs first made it on the scene, I really couldn't believe my eyes. Could some seriously ugly boots really capture the hearts and wallets of Western's beautiful student body?
Somehow it did many years ago, and I ridiculed this "fashion statement" like it was my job.
Just picture a very attractive girl, who could be seen in August weather in a short skirt, tank top and cute sandals, engulfing herself in ugly, wooley-mammoth-looking boots in the fall, complimented by tucked-in grey sweats and a hoodie. Now, maybe I've suddenly become attracted to those hunter-gatherer types of girls (Neanderthelle), but something about girls in mukluks three times the size of their legs is kinda hot these days.
Surprisingly, I've come to accept the new look of today's Western woman. It's very unfortunate that they don't highlight her curves in the least way, but I'm sure that despite the freezing whether outside (oh not now, but just you wait) she's having her own little party in her boots. And I'll just have to be happy for her. Or just cross my fingers that I get invited. Whichever.
For a different angle, see what Paige has to say about them.
Yes, this was just a sad excuse to link to her page. Girls are pretty.
Paige, you're pretty.
Why thank you, Alex!
and thanks for the link too. I do think the mukluk look is hot, UGG boots are just too pedestrian these days for me to even think they're pretty.
There is a reason why they are called UGG boots: Everytime ANOTHER girl walks by, you look down, see the boots and say "UGH!"
Alas, I still remember the days when only a handful of girls had these boots. The funny thing is, is that they aren't meant to be worn in the snow.
Stupid girls.
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