
Are we at the airport?

I still haven't figured out why many people on campus this year have opted to purchase those clunky roller-bags.

What am I talking about?

You know when you're at the airport, and everyone's rolling their belongings in luggage that have casters on the bottom?

This is because when you travel, you don't want to be dealing with heavy baggage, which unfortunately doesn't include what your significant other may be haunting you with.

But we're not on the airport, we're on campus. How much stuff could you possibly need to have with you at all times, that you must roll your bag with you across campus?

This brings back memories of my x-girlfriend in Texas, wondering why 90% of the students at her school walked around with them also.

*batump batump batump batump batump batump batump*

If I could better describe the sound they make, I would, but unfortunately this is the best I can do.

*batump batump batump batump*

Let's hope the majority of the student body doesn't follow suit.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haha, I love it.
*batump batump batump*