Well, what a weekend I have.
At least there's some decent weather out. Yes, I know, it's getting colder, but there's still plenty of sunlight to be getting out with the bike or rollerblades, or whatever else gets your jollies off.
My weekend unfortunately will be consisting of a lot of dedication in the computer labs on campus. Yes, I'm the ubergeek this weekend. I've got two assignments and a project report due next week, coupled with a midterm on Saturday.
God I love Computer Science. Not only does it have a magical ability to turn women off like a bad cologne, but it eats up your free time like crazy.
If it's still dry, and there's sunlight, I will be riding the bike when I can! Still waiting for that damn mechanic to call me back with the bill.
Should start cutting down that damn money tree now I suppose, seems like labour charges might be outweighing the value of my car.
this is hilarious
LOL dude! It wasn't a total loss. There was Starbucks... and Dim Sum!
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