
Oh please!

So people have been complaining about Steven Harper's comment about the Remebrance Day poppy.


First of all, he's not criticizing the symbolism of the poppy, or making any form of negative gesture towards our veterans. I'm sure like the rest of us he has a great deal of respect for them.

We're talking about the production quality of the symbol itself, how the fastening design hasn't much changed in the 80 years that it's been around, and how they constantly fall off since they use a simple pin instead of something that would actually keep the poppy attached to your clothes.

I can't believe people so easily turn this around as some form of shameful comment against the veterans. They obviously have incredibly poor listening skills, and have this magical ability to tune out what he actually said.

Selective listening is bliss.

1 comment:

Karyuudo said...

LOL! I must've missed that one. But it goes back to what we were talking about... maybe a safety pin would be better for the poppy's pin since the current one is crap and falls off so easily.

Oh did I just insult the veterans in saying that? It's a fucking poppy people!!! Not a person.

Going back a few years ago people bitched about the green colour that used to be in the middle of the poppy... now they're getting upset about what Steve's saying about it?

Seriously, isn't there more important things we should be doing with our time rather than worrying about a piece of shit poppy? Oops I insulted the veterans again. My bad.