Not only are we giving thanks for umm... well, the stuff and people that we have, but I've found Thanksgiving is the perfect time to bask in the materialistic world that we live in and treat myself to something needful... or at least, "wantful". Is that a word?
I had recently taken to lowering myself (what a terribly unfortunate life I lead) to purchasing sunglasses from local sporting stores... giving myself a budget of no more than $30 per pair since I've lost or have had many pairs of Oakleys stolen.
This weekend's task was finding a replacement for my current inexpensive (cheap) pair of sunglasses that broke last week.
The problem is, that not only are sunglasses one of the few ways us guys can accessorize (yes I realize that statement is the tell-tale sign of a metrosexual), but the cheaper alternatives really are inferior in every possible way.
Not only can I spend a whole day and find nothing but pure crap, manufactured in the People's Republic of China, but none of them really look that great either, and most will experience breakage during a light breeze. Never mind the crooked arms, and hastily glued-on lenses.
Oakville Place, Oakville's only real mall, was recently renovated and now houses some very nice stores, including a Sunglass Hut booth.
The poor guy at the booth of course had to mute his frustrations, and deal with my indecisiveness for almost an hour while I perused the abudance of plastic, metal and glass. Fortunately for him, after dismissing several of his potentially acceptable suggestions, I managed to find a pair of Maui Jims that served as great multifunction glasses.
He actually twisted the frames of these all around, yet they not only refrained from snapping, but immediately reformed themselves. Cool.
We'll see how long these last before following in the doomed footsteps of the last three pairs!
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