If you think all the press about this situation is because some chick assaulted police officers, you're wrong.
The majority of the press is about how wrong and unjustified it was that the police assaulted her (watch the video here).
Oh please! Are you kidding me?
She got exactly what she had coming to her once she committed the crime, then proceeded to ram her car into a police cruiser, and have them chase her for multiple blocks in Montreal.
Not only that, but before the officer slams her into the side of the cruiser, she's already resisting pretty heavily.
And this was all for what? A pack of cigarettes? Need I mention the 21 criminal charges she's facing in total?
Clearly this girl has issues, but just because she's the sister of a multi-millionaire doesn't mean she's entitled to anything more than your average citizen. It does mean unfortunately that she's entitled to increased publicity.
If the average citizen did something that stupid, regardless of their sex, I'd applaud the police for their actions just the same.
There are quite a few people that scoff at the police, simply because they're not intimidating enough. Don't get me started about traffic cops that bust people for going over the speed limit - they're a different breed entirely. I'm talking about those officers that actually serve some purpose.
If you knew that you would not only get arrested, but have the crap beat out of you by the cops (à la Russian Polizei) then maybe you'll reconsider what you're about to do.
Vive le Montréal!
(Here's a followup to the story)
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