In walking around I step into Eddie Bauer to see if anything's changed... I'm not much for the clothes but they have the occasional bag/watch that's pretty nice.
I spot this water bottle, and say to myself "hey that'd be handy".
In using this bottle ever since, I've noticed two very huge errors in design:
The large straw doesn't easily collapse into the bottle.
If you've got it standing up, there's no way to close the bottle. If you pull it out, there's no place to put the straw. If I put it in my messenger bag, it really does slosh and throw water all over the place unless I'm holding it, or supporting my bag with one hand while making huge efforts to move my legs and feet in an almost motionless fashion.
Just think of the Ninja, and how they do it. As you can imagine, it's not easy. Even doing all of these actions simultaneously, it still leaks out the top.
I might also add, that the straw has an accordian-like section at the top end, like those drinking straws you used when you were 10 years old. It's just as rigid as the rest of the straw of course, so... the purpose? You'd have to ask Eddie.
It still leaks.
Let's say I bend the straw a bit and force it into the bottle. You might say, "Alex you idiot, why not just close it. Doesn't it close?"
Why yes, it does. Or it looks like it does anyway. Making careless assumptions such as those will give you wet-ass my friends.
The rubberized "stopper", although it does look efficient enough, tends to somehow detach itself, leaving the top open to full H2O-flow once again.
Eddie Bauer, please test your products before releasing them to the general population.
Believe it or not, there are products in existance that don't frustrate every neuron of one's mind while using them.
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